Molina Healthcare of Ohio Sponsors African American Male Wellness 5K Where Molina Member Vows to Break Generational Cycle of Unhealthy Outcomes


CINCINNATI, Ohio, Sept. 9, 2023 – Molina Healthcare of Ohio (“Molina”) was a gold level sponsor for the annual African American Male Wellness 5K Walk and Run in Cincinnati. Hosted by the African American Male Wellness Agency, the event connects individuals with information and resources that promote healthy living. Molina has committed $25,000 in support of these wellness walks being held in three Ohio cities – Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland. 

“We are proud to support large-scale efforts like this event that help address disparities in health outcomes in the communities we serve,” said Ami Cole, plan president for Molina Healthcare of Ohio. “This walk and run is one healthy step in the right direction that can lead to a significant change in generational wellness for underserved populations.” 

Thousands of men participated throughout Ohio, including 50-year-old Molina member Terrell Van Zandt. With a family history of high blood pressure, heart disease, and lung cancer, Van Zandt has made lifestyle choices to combat these potential ailments. He excludes red meat from his diet and avoids processed foods. Van Zandt treats his high blood pressure and asthma with medications. 

“I lost my mom to cancer and have worried for other family members who have struggled with chronic heart conditions,” said Van Zandt. “I am doing everything I can to stay healthy, and I hope this event gets more African American men to take their health as seriously as I do.”