Washington DSNP Member Advisory Committee (MAC)

The Molina Member Advisory Committee (MAC) is established to give a view from its members on how to help use their care systems and to identify and address barriers to high-quality, coordinated care. Seeking input on enrollee experiences such as ways to improve access to covered services, coordination of services, and health equity helps Molina find and address barriers to high-quality, coordinated care for dually eligible members. 
MAC Member Criteria 
MAC members must: 

  • Be an actively enrolled Molina Medicare D-SNP enrollee or caregiver. 
  • Agree to serve on the MAC for one (1) year unless enrollment changes. 

MAC Member Responsibilities include but are not limited to: 

  • Be enthusiastic about MAC participation and have a genuine interest in improving the member experience and recommending program enhancements. 
  • Come to meetings each quarter and reviewing up to 3 communications or digital assets per quarter either by e-mail, phone, or link. 
  • Offer guidance on reviewing member materials and helpful means for reaching members. 
  • Keep the confidentiality of private information shared in meetings. 
  • Disclose potential conflicts of interest, real or perceived, before taking part in in discussions. 
  • Treat each other with dignity and respect. 
  • Help advance and give feedback about the Program Description and Responsibilities section above. 

Meeting Structure 
Meetings will take place 4/year for 60–90 minutes. They will be virtual by video. Each meeting will have a pre-identified topic and goal and will report on the findings and actions from previous meetings. Molina departmental and organizational leaders will bring forward topics and the structure for providing feedback, which may include discussion or written insights. 
Meeting Frequency and Quorum  
Meetings will be held once per quarter. A quorum of at least 51% of external MAC members will be needed to approve recommendation(s). All vote results shall be decided by a simple majority of a quorum. 

Recruiting happens once per calendar year (in Q4) for the following year’s committee. Members are encouraged to keep their e-mail address up to date in their Member Portal. Existing members will get a recruitment survey by e-mail and are encouraged to respond to the survey if interested in MAC participation. 

Survey results are reviewed, and Molina selects up to 10 members who express a desire to share ideas with Molina about what we can do better to improve access to their care systems and to help find and address barriers to high-quality, coordinated care, and who show a desire to give feedback. 

Molina MAC member selection shall include a reasonably representative sample of people enrolled in D-SNP(s). Members are also chosen based on geographical area. Each region (East and West) will select four to five MAC members and one caregiver. 

Members who are not chosen will be offered a placeholder on our waiting list. 

Molina Healthcare complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sex, age, mental or physical disability, health status, receipt of healthcare, claims experience, medical history, genetic information, evidence of insurability, geographic location.