Notice of Privacy Practices - Summary -Washington
Dear Molina Healthcare Member,
Your privacy is important to us. We respect and protect your privacy. Molina uses and shares your information to provide you with health benefits. We want to let you know how your information is used or shared.
PHI stands for these words, protected health information. PHI means health information that includes your name, member number or other identifiers, and is used or shared by Molina Healthcare.
Why does Molina use or share our Member's PHI?
- To provide for your treatment
- To pay for your health care
- To review the quality of the care you get
- To tell you about your choices for care
- To run our health plan
- To use or share PHI for other purposes as required or permitted by law
When does Molina need your written authorization (approval) to use or share your PHI?
- Molina needs your written approval to use or share your PHI for purposes not listed above.
What are your privacy rights?
- To look at your PHI
- To get a copy of your PHI
- To amend your PHI
- To ask us to not use or share your PHI in certain ways
- To get a list of certain people or places we have given your PHI
How does Molina protect your PHI?
Molina uses many ways to protect PHI across our health plan. This includes PHI in written word, spoken word, or in a computer. Below are some ways Molina protects PHI:- Molina has policies and rules to protect PHI.
- Molina limits who may see PHI. Only Molina staff with a need to know PHI may use it.
- Molina staff is trained on how to protect and secure PHI.
- Molina staff must agree in writing to follow the rules and policies that protect and secure PHI.
- Molina secures PHI in our computers. PHI in our computers is kept private by using firewalls and passwords.
What must Molina do by law?
- Keep your PHI private.
- Give you written information, such as this on our duties and privacy practices about your PHI.
- Follow the terms of our Notice of Privacy Practices.
What can you do if you feel your privacy rights have not been protected?
- Call or write Molina and complain.
- Complain to the Department of Health and Human Services.
We will not hold anything against you. Your action would not change your care in any way.
The above is only a summary. Please click on the link below to read the full Notice of Privacy Practices:
The Notice has more information about how we use and share your PHI.
We will be happy to answer your questions as a member of Molina Healthcare. You may call our Member Services Department Toll-Free at the phone number listed in the Notice of Privacy Practices for your program.
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