

What’s covered?

Transportation is for members who have no other means of getting to a doctor. Members who can transport themselves should do so. If you have been taking yourself to the doctor, you must continue to do so. We work with Integrated Transportation Management, Inc. (ITM) who must call to check to see that your medical needs have been approved before they can approve transportation.

What are ITM’s hours of operation?

ITM has regular business hours Monday - Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. ITM’s toll-free number is (888) 593-2052.

Emergency medical transportation

Emergency transportation (ambulance) or ambulance transport services provided through the “911” emergency response system will be covered when medically necessary.

Urgent medical transportation

An example would be a child who has a high fever. He/she needs to go to the hospital, but he/she does not need an ambulance. This is an example of an urgent call.

Does Salud! pay for housing and food?

The transportation benefit may also pay for housing and food. This is if you go out of town for a medical health visit. This is only if the trip is longer than four (4) hours one-way by ground transportation. ITM will tell you if you can do this.

What if my underage child needs to go to a medical appointment and I cannot go?

ITM will need you to sign a waiver saying that it is okay for them to transport the child. It is very important that you make every effort to go with your child.

Member Handbook

It tells you what you need to know about your Molina Salud! Health Plan. Read here.