South Carolina Severe Weather Alert


Severe Weather Information for Molina Healthcare of South Carolina (Molina) Members

Please follow these instructions if you are a Molina member affected by severe weather.

If you have evacuated your home and need care from out-of-state providers or providers that are not in Molina’s network:

Prior approval is not required. However, please tell the provider you have Molina and show your member ID card to them. The provider may call the Provider Services number on the back of the member card for help. That number is (855) 237-6178.

Some examples of services include:

  • Urgent/emergent services
  • Non-participating Molina providers / out-of-state providers
  • Transfers to hospitals outside of the home area
  • Home Health services (i.e., high-risk pregnancy)


If you need a prescription filled:

  • If you need help getting a pharmacy prescription, please call Member Services at (855) 882-3901 or the Nurse Advice Line at (844) 800-5155 (English); or (866) 648-3537 (Spanish).
  • If you cannot get a prescription at your regular pharmacy, you can get a prescription at other locations. For example, if you have evacuated from your home area due to severe weather and need to fill a prescription, you may access other pharmacies by:
  • going to the same chain pharmacy (same pharmacy name) in another location, and they can access your member records, or
  • bringing the prescription container to the new pharmacy, or
  • having your primary care provider contact the new pharmacy, or
  • if your regular pharmacy is open, have the new pharmacy contact them to transfer the prescription

Important notes about prescriptions:

  • A new prescription from a doctor will be needed for certain medications (i.e., controlled substance prescriptions, expired prescriptions, and prescriptions with no refills).

If you have evacuated your home and need medical care:

Please call Member Services at (855) 882-3901 for assistance with any Molina service-related issues. Member Services will help you find a provider outside your area if you need help getting care during the storm.  Please go to the nearest emergency room if needed or call 911.