Benefits At-a-Glance

Boy and doctor smiling

Your easy-to-print list of what’s covered under your Molina Healthcare Family health plan.

View and print.


Doctor checking girls heartbeat

Services to make sure you get quality care.

Waiver Programs

Mother and daughter smiling

The Illinois Department of Human Services offers waiver programs for people who qualify.

Health Care Management

Doctor and patient smiling

Special programs to help you manage health conditions.

Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse Services

Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse Services

We cover behavioral health and substance abuse services.

Prescription Drugs

Prescription Drugs

Find out what drugs are covered through MolinaHealthcare in the preferred drug list (PDL).


Doctor giving eye exam

We want to help you keep your eyes healthy.


Girl smiling

Keep your teeth and gums healthy. We can help you get care.