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Updating your contact information is important.

Updating your contact information helps you stay informed about the great benefits you have with us. It also keeps your benefits active and avoids any loss in coverage. Visit to update your contact information with the state. 

Keep your benefits. Renew on time.

Did you know you must renew your Nevada Medicaid benefits every year? Since you're already enrolled in Nevada Medicaid, the state reviews your information each year to make sure you're eligible for benefits. When the time comes, it's important that you act quickly. 

As your health plan, we want to make sure you’re able to keep getting the care you need, when and where you need it. So, we try to make it easy for you by telling you what you need to know, what you need to do, and what you can expect

When your renewal date is near, you should get a renewal packet by mail from Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS).  Be sure to open the packet and read the instructions. Follow the instructions and return any requested information as soon as possible. Molina Healthcare of Nevada will send you reminders too so you wont miss a deadline. 

Make sure your contact information is up to date with DWSS and with Molina Healthcare of Nevada so you don’t miss an important message or package about your renewal. Click here UpdateMyAddress ( to update your contact info now. 

Information you may need

  • Social Security numbers for all members of your household
  • Birthdates for all members of your household
  • Income information for all adults and minors 14 and over who are required to file a tax return. This may include: Paystubs, W-2 forms, Wage and tax statements. 
  • Case number
  • Passport, alien card or immigration number for legal immigrants 


How to Renew:

For Nevada Medicaid, you’ll get a renewal form from the DWSS telling you it’s time to renew. There are 4 ways to renew:

  1. Online: Log in to:
    • Click -> Login
    • Enter-> Username and Password
    • Complete the necessary steps to submit your referral

  2. By Phone: DWSS, (702) 486-1646 (South) or (775) 684-7200 (North)

  3. By Mail: Return the form to the address shown on the letter 

  4. In Person: See office locations at Welfare District Offices-South ( Welfare District Offices-North ( 

There may be documents that you are required to return along with your application for renewal. Contact DWSS for Medicaid at  (702) 486-1646 (South) or (775) 684-7200 (North).

For information about your coverage, please call us today at (833) 685-2116. We’re here to help!