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Prescription Drugs

Prescription drugs covered through Molina Healthcare can be found in the Drug List (Formulary).

Virtual Care

Connect with a board-certified doctor by phone, video or mobile app.

Pediatric Vision

See pediatric vision benefits and find participating Molina Marketplace pediatric vision providers.

Case Management

We provide special services for members who need extra help managing a health problem.

Guidelines to Keep You Healthy

Our guidelines tell you about preventive health checkups and services.

Health Education Programs

Our education programs teach you how to take care of yourself and your family.

Nurse Advice Line

Call the line, anytime. Our nurses are ready to answer your medical questions 24/7.​

Adult Vision

Find a provider near you and learn more about your vision benefits.

As part of the Molina family, you can expect coverage and services tailored to your needs and your budget.

Language Information

If you, or someone you’re helping, has questions about Molina Marketplace, you have the right to auxiliary aids and services, and to get help and information in your language, at no cost. If you need reasonable modifications, appropriate auxiliary aids and services, or language assistance services, call 1-888-560-2043 (TTY: 711).