Peer support program

Peer support is a non-clinical, non-judgmental service offered by people who live with mental health and/or substance use challenges themselves. Peer support specialists can help you explore various pathways to recovery, access available resources and develop goals, all while focusing on your strengths. They will meet you where you are, offer understanding and inspire hope.
This program helps you manage chronic behavioral health conditions. We offer peer support services on top of care management. Our peer support specialists will reach out to you if you have a mental health or substance use disorder diagnosis following an inpatient or emergency room (ER) visit.
If you have further questions related to your care, please contact Cameron Milkins at
Interested in a career in peer support?
If you have experience with mental health and/or substance use challenges and have a story of recovery, you can become a Peer and Recovery Support Specialist (PRSS). The role of PRSS is to support others who are navigating their own recovery. PRSS can work in various settings including Peer Run Organizations, healthcare clinics, health plans and more. Individuals who are members of AHCCCS health plans, including Molina, are eligible for no cost Peer and Recovery Support Specialist Credentialing through an AHCCCS-recognized training program.
For more information, please visit this AHCCCS information page or email Molina’s Office of Individual and Family Affairs at