Member Rights & Responsibilities

Did you know that as a member of Molina Healthcare, you have certain rights and responsibilities? Knowing your rights and responsibilities will help you, your family, your provider, and Molina Healthcare ensure that you get the covered services and care that you need.
You have the right to:
- Be treated kindly and with respect for your dignity and privacy
- Get clear information about your treatment options and alternatives, which are presented in a manner appropriate to your condition and ability to understand the information
- Make choices about your health care, including saying “no” to treatment. Saying “no” won’t get you removed from your health plan
- Be free from any form of restraint or seclusion used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience, or retaliation
- Ask for and get a copy of your medical records, and request changes if needed
- Get the available and accessible health care services covered by Medicaid
- Receive proper medical care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Choose your health plan and primary care provider
- Talk with your doctor and health plan, and know your medical information will be kept confidential
- Make advance directives, if desired, and receive assistance if needed
- Have interpreters at no cost, if necessary, during medical appointments and in all discussions with your primary care provider or Molina Healthcare
- Request an appeal if services are denied, terminated, or reduced
- Make a complaint about a provider or Molina Healthcare, and receive a timely response
- Ask to leave Molina Healthcare per 42 CFR § 438.56
- Exercise your rights with a guarantee that the exercise of those rights will not adversely affect your treatment by Molina, its providers, or Nebraska Medicaid
You have the responsibility to:
- Understand, to the best of your ability, how to use your health plan to receive health care
- Take your Medicaid ID card and health plan ID card to all medical, dental and pharmacy visits
- Keep your scheduled appointments and call your provider’s office at least 24 hours in advance if your appointment must be rescheduled
- Tell your doctor about any medical problems and ask questions about things you do not understand
- Follow the care plan that you have agreed on with your provider
- Assist with the transfer of your medical records
- Receive services from your primary care provider or primary care dentist unless they refer you to another provider
- Cooperate with all Heritage Health inquiries and surveys
- Update your mailing address, phone number, and primary and secondary insurance status with Nebraska Medicaid
*You may request printed copies of all content posted on our website.