Electronic Remittance Advice / Electronic Funds Transfer (ERA/EFT)

SWH supports our Providers, and as such would like to highlight the many benefits ERA/EFT:

  • Providers get faster payment
  • Providers can search for a historical Explanation of Payment-EOP (aka Remittance Advice) by claim number, member name, etc.
  • Providers can view, print, download and save a PDF version of the Explanation of Payment for easy reference with no paperwork to store.
  • Providers can have files routed to their ftp and/or their associated clearinghouse.

  • Contact Us

    Senior Whole Health

    Phone: (855) 838-7999
    ERA/EFT EmailEDI.ERA.EFT@MolinaHealthcare.com

    Change Healthcare/ECHO Health


    EFT/ERA/835 Assistance
    Phone: (888) 834-3511
    Email:  edi@echohealthinc.com

    Virtual Credit Card Processing Assistance
    Phone: (888) 983-5580

    Provider Portal Assistance
    Phone: (800) 895-0621

    Website:  https://enrollments.echohealthinc.com/efteradirect/molinaHealthcare
    Provider Portal (ECHO):  https://providerpayments.com/