Dr. Mumtaz Ibrahim and son

April 02, 2021 / Dr. Mumtaz Ibrahim, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of Molina Healthcare of New York

Understanding autism is vital to accepting it. On this World Autism Awareness Day and in recognition of Autism Acceptance Month, Molina is proud to share the journey of our own Dr. Mumtaz Ibrahim, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of Molina Healthcare of New York, in raising a special needs child. Read more at our blog now.

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Help your kids have a healthy relationship with food

March 31, 2021 / By Molina Healthcare

The best time to start healthy habits is at birth. The second best time is now. As a parent or caregiver, you can begin teaching kids the importance of nutrition and smart eating skills today. 

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Happy National Doctors Day from Molina Healthcare

March 30, 2021 / By Molina Healthcare

At Molina, we’re grateful for the incredibly hard work of doctors everywhere—and for a holiday that gives us the opportunity to celebrate them. But why did they choose the demanding field of medicine? Here are some of their answers.

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Father and son chopping vegetables

March 19, 2021 / By Jeff Stone DO, MPH, Medical Director, Molina Healthcare of Texas

Below your rib cage on each side of your spine, the kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that filter toxins from your blood. They do this by creating urine, which is flushed out of your body. The kidneys have many other important jobs too: they regulate blood pressure as well as pH levels...

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Woman sleeping on her side

March 15, 2021 / By Dr. Mark Greenwood, Chief Medical Officer, Molina Healthcare of Utah

Whether you happily snooze through a parade outside your window or can’t get to dreamland without pitch black silence, there’s one thing that can make sleep healthier for all of us. Which sleeping position is healthiest overall? There’s no simple answer, but here’s what experts have to say.

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