The CAHPS® (Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) survey is also maintained by NCQA. The survey is performed each year. It measures how happy members are with the health plan and the service received from doctors.
Molina Healthcare of California has seen the following improvements in CAHPS® rates:
- Getting Needed Care
- Customer Service
- How Well Doctors Communicate
- Shared Decision Making
- Rating of Health Care
- Rating of Personal Doctor
- Rating of Health Plan
- Getting Needed Care Composite
- Doctors Who Communicate Well Composite
- Getting Needed Rx Drugs Composit
- Getting Info From Plan: Rx Drug Coverage/Cost Composite
- Rating of Personal Doctor
- Rating of Health Plan
- Flu Vaccination
- Pneumonia Shot
If you have any questions or would like additional information about CAHPS® please contact the following:
Providers: Quality Improvement Department at (800) 526-8196 Ext. 126137
Members: Customer Service Department at (888) 665-4621
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