H.O.M.E Program

Molina Healthcare of Florida’s Specialty Plan is proud to offer a Health Outcomes through Meaningful Engagement (H.O.M.E.) program to help you meet your housing needs.
If you are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless, our H.O.M.E. program will work with you to:
- Take care of your health through housing supports
- Connect you with services in your community
- Connect you to housing resources so you can get and/or keep housing
Molina’s H.O.M.E. program is available for Specialty members in these six counties:
Pasco, Pinellas, Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Brevard.
If you have any questions or would like to join the H.O.M.E. program, please call Members Services at 1-866-472-4585 (TTY 711).