Molina Healthcare staff will help coordinate your care

Living with health problems and managing them can be hard. We have special services and programs. These are for members who need extra help with a health problem. This can be any adult or child who is getting health services for an ongoing health problem. The programs are free.
Molina Healthcare staff can help you:
- Access services that you are eligible to get.
- Set up appointments and tests.
- Set up transportation.
- Find any gaps in care.
- Find any healthcare needs.
- Access resources to help you with special health care needs and/or your caregivers deal with day-to-day stress.
- Coordinate the move from one setting to another. This can include being discharged from the hospital.
- Assessing eligibility for long-term care services and supports.
- Connect with community resources.
- Find services that might not be benefits. This includes community and social services programs such as physical therapy with the schools or “Meals on Wheels”.
- Set up services with a primary care physician (PCP), family members, caregivers and any other identified provider.
How do members enroll?
The Case Management programs are voluntary but a member must meet certain requirements. You can also be referred to one of the programs through:
- Provider referrals
- Self referrals
Who do I contact for more information?
Please call our Health Management Department at (866) 891-2320 (TTY: 711). Our staff can give you more info. They can also let you know what programs you are currently enrolled in. You can also ask for a referral. You can also ask to be taken out of a program.
Parents/Guardians of Member receiving Private Duty Nursing (PDN) services:
Molina Healthcare of Florida has a Case Manager Program. If your child receives Private Duty Nursing (PDN) and a service is missed due to a provider failure, our Case Managers / Care Coordinators are here to help. We kindly ask that you notify the Case Manager / Care Coordinator as soon as possible of any missed service due to a provider failure by doing one of the following:
- Call the Case Manager / Care Coordinator
- Text the Case Manager / Care Coordinator
- Email the Case Manager / Care Coordinator
- Send an email to:
- Call the Molina 24/7 Nurse Advice Line (NAL) at (866) 275-8750 English, (866) 648-3537 (Spanish), TTY (866) 735-2922.