Healthy Living with Diabetessm

Molina Healthcare's Diabetes Management Program

Molina Healthcare wants you to know about our diabetes program called Healthy Living with Diabetes. If you have diabetes, you can be a member of this program. One of the most important skills you’ll learn is to control your diabetes. This will help lower your risk for the long-term health problems that sometimes come with diabetes.

As a program member you will receive:
  • Diabetes newsletters
  • A magnet with our 24-hour nurse advice line number
  • A diabetes booklet
  • Important diabetes care tips
  • Reminders about important diabetes tests
  • View the pdf First Steps in Taking Care of your Diabetes brochure

pdf Diabetes Newsletters

At Molina Healthcare, we are committed to helping you manage your diabetes. We will work with your provider as part of your diabetes care team.

You can get more details about this program by calling Health Education at 1-866-449-6849 Ext. 203661.

Please call this number if you do not wish to be in the Healthy Living with Diabetes program.

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