STAR Program

STAR is a Texas Medicaid managed care program. You pick a medical plan. This plan gives you Medicaid services. It also gives you a main doctor. This doctor is your point of contact for services. Molina has a large group of specialists, therapists, clinics and hospitals that can give you services.
Learn more.STAR+PLUS Program

STAR+PLUS is a Texas Medicaid managed care program. It is for people who have disabilities or are age 65 or older. People in STAR+PLUS get Medicaid health care and long-term services and support.
Learn more.CHIP (including CHIP Perinatal services)

CHIP is health insurance for families who make too much money to get Medicaid. They cannot afford to buy private health insurance. CHIP perinatal coverage gives prenatal care for the unborn children of low-income women who do not qualify for Medicaid.
Learn more.