We make sure you have access to quality health care
Molina Healthcare’s programs and services make it easy for you to get medical care.

Emergency, non-emergency medical and non-emergency non-medical transportation services are covered under your Medi-Cal Health Plan.
Learn more.
Nurse Advice Line

Members in need of health care advice can call our Nurse Advice Line any time, day or night.
Learn more.Women’s Health Care Services

You can go to any OB/GYN doctor in your Primary Care Physician’s (PCP) network and get out-of plan Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) services. Learn more.
Medi-Cal for Kids and Teens

Children, teens, and young adults (under age 21) enrolled in Medi-Cal qualify for free services and support to stay or get healthy.
Learn more.Community Health Worker (CHW) Program

A Community Health Worker can help you better connect to the health care system and our community.
Learn more.