Molina Healthcare of Washington Takes Action During Measles Outbreak


Molina Healthcare of Washington is taking steps to educate its members, providers and the community about the measles during the current outbreak. In an effort to spread awareness about this serious illness and the importance of getting vaccinated, Molina has deployed communications to its providers and members and also shared an informative alert on the Washington member website. Additionally, Molina is analyzing member data to identify gaps in MMR (measles mumps rubella) immunizations and will do additional outreach to all members who may need the vaccine.

“Molina is committed to ensuring the health and safety of our members and the community, and right now that means educating them about the importance of getting vaccinated to protect not only themselves, but their families and everyone around them,” said Mary Engrav, MD, medical director for Molina Healthcare of Washington. “Measles is a highly contagious disease if you haven’t been vaccinated and it can be especially dangerous for young children, adults older than 20 years, pregnant women and individuals with already poor health.”

As reported by the Washington Department of Health , measles has spread to various parts of the state. Residents should contact their primary care doctor immediately if they think they have the measles.