Behavioral Health & Substance Use

Molina MyCare Ohio Medicaid members will receive all medically-necessary services covered by Medicaid, including behavioral health services, from their current providers. Molina Healthcare is committed to providing our members with the care they need when they need it.
Members who have serious and persistent mental illness will be included in the MyCare Ohio program, and will be able to receive Health Home care from community behavioral health centers who have partnered with Molina Healthcare and are approved to treat both behavioral health and chronic physical health conditions.
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services (page 14 in your Member Handbook)
Beginning January 1, 2018, additional behavioral health services may be available to you. New Services include:
- Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) for members 18 and older
- Intensive Home Based Treatment (IHBT). This service is for individuals 18 and under however in some circumstances may be available to members aged 18-21.
- Comprehensive addiction treatment, including residential and partial hospitalization services.
Services such as office visits, vaccinations (shots), blood tests and more may be provided by your behavioral health treatment provider. If you would like more information about these services, talk to your provider or call Member Services at (855) 687-7862, TTY/TDD: 711, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., local time.
How do members get care?
Visit our Provider Directory for the names and telephone numbers of the facilities near you. You can also call Member Services. We can help you find the right provider to meet your needs.
We also have a 24-Hour Behavioral Health Crisis Line. Learn more.