Waiver Services

MyCare Ohio Waiver Services can help you live independently. The state of Ohio will tell you if you can get Waivers.

If you are interested in self-directing your care, read the Waiver Member Self-Direction Handbook.
The following Waiver services are available, as they apply to your needs:
- Out-of-Home Respite Services
- Adult Day Health Services
- Home Medical Equipment and Supplemental Adaptive and Assistive Devices Services
- Waiver Transportation
- Chore Services
- Social Work Counseling
- Personal Emergency Response Services
- Home Modification, Maintenances and Repair Services
- Personal Care Aid Services
- Homemaker Services
- Waiver Nursing Services
- Home Delivered Meals
- Alternative Meals Service
- Pest Control
- Assisted Living Services
- Home Care Attendant
- Choices Home Care Attendant
- Enhanced Community Living Services
- Nutritional Consultation
- Independent Living Assistance
- Community Transition
About Waiver Services
MyCare Ohio enrollees who used to get waiver services through PASSPORT, Choices, Assisted Living, Ohio Home Care and Transitions II Carve-Out waivers are now covered in the new MyCare Ohio waiver. If you are receiving waiver services, you are automatically enrolled in the MyCare Ohio waiver.
As a Molina Dual Options MyCare Ohio member,your services are coordinated and approved by your Care Manager. Waiver service planning is still based on your specific medical needs.
If you are new to the plan, you can stay with your current providers on the MyCare Ohio waiver for a time. This is called the transition period. The transition period is between 90 and 365 days depending on the service. It allows members to keep getting services from their current providers.
Until the transition period is over, Molina Dual Options MyCare Ohio will keep your services and providers the same. Changes will not occur unless:
- There is a significant change in your condition, living arrangement or caregiver status; or
- You ask to direct your own services through the Choices Waiver Program