Prevent the flu!

Follow these tips to help prevent the flu:
- Get the flu and pneumonia shot. It’s at no cost to you! Talk to your provider to find out if you need both.
- Stay home if you are sick to prevent from spreading the flu to others.
- Wash your hands often and cover your mouth when you cough.
- The flu shot will not give you the flu.
- Fever between 100° & 104° F & chills
- Fatigue & weakness
- Headache, muscle or body aches
- Cough, runny or stuffy nose
- Nausea, diarrhea or vomiting
How to Treat:
- Remember the flu is a virus, and antibiotics will not cure it. Over-the-counter medicines can help to reduce symptoms. Talk to your pharmacist or provider today.
- Get plenty of rest.
- Drink plenty of fluids.
- Cover up with a warm blanket to calm chills.
- Put a humidifier in your room to make breathing easier.
To find a Molina Dual Options Pharmacy near you, call Member Services at (855) 735-5831, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. local time, 7 days a week, TTY: 711. Tell your provider if you received your flu shot somewhere else. Know your symptoms and how to treat them. For more information about the flu, call our 24-hour Nurse Advice Line toll free at: (844) 800-5155 TTY: 711