Renew Your Benefits

Don't miss out on important updates about your health benefits. If you’ve moved or you have a new phone number or email, it’s important to call Healthy Connections to give them your new contact information. Call (888) 549-0820 TTY: (888) 842-3620. For more information about keeping your contact information updated, click HERE.
You may receive a Healthy Connections Annual Review Form in the mail soon from the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS). If you do, it’s important to complete and return this form right away. If you do not return the completed form, you could lose your Medicaid and Molina benefits. Be sure to check the due date on your letter and return the form on time.
Just Follow These 3 Steps to Renew Your Benefits:
Step 1: Check Your Mail.
SCDHHS will send you a Healthy Connections Annual Review Form when it's time to renew your benefits.
Step 2: Fill Out Your Renewal Form.
Step 3: Send Your Completed Form Back.
How To Return Your Completed Renewal Form:
Healthy Connections Medicaid members are encouraged to complete their annual review online instead of completing a paper review form. Visit and click "Submit Annual Review." Medicaid members may also submit their renewal online by uploading it to the South Carolina Healthy Connections Document Upload Tool. This can be found HERE.
If Medicaid members prefer to complete a paper review form, they may submit their completed paper review form in the ways listed below:
- Fax: (888) 820-1204
- Email:
- Mail: SCDHHS, Central Document Management
PO Box 100101 Columbia, SC 29202-3101 - In Person: Click HERE for a list of local eligibility offices.
What to Do If You Need Help:
If you need help completing the Healthy Connections Annual Review Form, please call one of the following:
- Healthy Connections Member Contact Center at (888) 549-0820. The Member Contact Center is open from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday.
- SC Thrive at (800) 726-8774. For more information, visit
Information You May Need to Renew Your Benefits:
- Social Security Numbers (or document numbers for legal immigrants who need insurance)
- Employer and income information for you and everyone in your family. This includes paystubs, W-2 forms, or wage and tax statements)
- Policy numbers for your current health insurance
- Information about job-related health insurance available to you and your family
What Happens If Your Healthy Connections Annual Review Form Is Not Sent Back on Time?
You must return your review form by the due date provided on the form. If you do not, you may be at risk of losing your Medicaid benefits. Call SCDHHS at (888) 549-0820 if you think you missed your due date.