Go Cheap or Go Healthy? Choose both. | Eating Healthy On a Budget

March 11, 2021 / By Molina Healthcare

We all know eating right plays a very big part in making you feel your best—but so does having enough money to live on! Luckily, there are many ways you can be good to both your body and your budget. Just in time for National Nutrition Month, check out some of our favorite tips for saving money on a healthy diet.

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March 03, 2021 / By Molina Healthcare

Thousands of years before anyone used the term “glass ceiling,” women were making game-changing contributions to science and medicine despite being barred from these fields. For Women’s History Month, we’re proud to celebrate a few of these influential women and their enduring achievements.

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Medical Professional Performing a Blood Pressure Test

February 23, 2021 / By David Valdez, MD, Chief Medical Officer Molina Healthcare of Texas

Heart disease is the most common disease in the U.S. among men and women. One of the key risk factors is high blood pressure, also known as hypertension.

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Molina Celebrates Black History Month

February 10, 2021 / By Molina Healthcare

Molina Healthcare was founded to improve the health of our communities and provide those in need with access to affordable, quality care. We’re proud to serve many African American members and thankful for the trust each one puts in us. It’s so important to honor Black History Month and the legacy and achievements of Black Americans in our communities.

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Kid brushing his teeth

February 10, 2021 / By Molina Healthcare

Did you know that the best time to start teaching your kids about dental health is before they turn one? Imprinting good habits early can lead to better checkups forever.

Here’s what you can do at each stage of your child’s life to keep their teeth healthy.

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