Provider Bulletin
The Provider Bulletin publication is Molina Healthcare of California's (MHC) primary communication method with our Provider/Practitioner community.
Information types include:
The links below are in PDF format
Please click here to view the 2022-2023 Provider Bulletins.
- 2025
Provider Bulletin 01-08-2025 Informational Bulletin Regarding Emergency Declaration Palisades Fire and Windstorm Conditions LA
Provider Bulletin 01-08-2025 Reminder Community Based Adult Services and Long-Term Care Facilities Critical Incidents Reporting LA
Provider Bulletin 01-10-2025 Transgender, Gender Diverse or Intersex Cultural Competency Training Requirements and Provider Directory Requirements APL 24-017
Provider Bulletin 01-16-2025 Update on Monthly Eligibility Lists IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-21-2025 End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Bundled Payment IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-29-2025 Quarter 1 Provider Training Opportunities IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-03-2025 Minor Consent to Outpatient Mental Health Treatment or Counseling IE LA SAC SD
- 2024
Provider Bulletin 01-03-2024 Reminder: Member Transition Information IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-08-2024 Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement Monitoring Program Webinar IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-09-2024 California Electronic Visit Verification Codes Update IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-11-2024 Availity Claims Correction IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-12-2024 Member ID Card Molina Direct Indicator IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-12-2024 Reminder: Member Transition Information IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-12-2024 Breast Milk Claims IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-16-2024 New Long Term Care Local Accommodation Codes IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-19-2024 Reminder: Member Transition Information IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-19-2024 Complex Care Certificate IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-23-2024 Medi-Cal Justice-Involved Reentry Initiative-Related State Guidance APL 23-030 IE SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-23-2024 Informational Bulletin Regarding Emergency Declaration Winter Storms SD
Provider Bulletin 01-25-2024 Dementia Care Awareness Training IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-26-2024 Reminder: Member Transition Information IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-26-2024 2024 HEDIS and Risk Adjustment Data Collection IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-30-2024 Upcoming February Trainings IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-31-2024 Senate Bill 487 Abortion Provider Protections IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-31-2024 PO Box Closure IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 01-31-2024 Intermediate Care Facility For Developmentally Disabled Provider Training IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-01-2024 2024 Provider Manual Updates IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-02-2024 Reminder Member Transition Information IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-02-2024 Temporarily Reinstating No PA for SNF Admissions from Sharp Hospitals SD
Provider Bulletin 02-02-2024 Timely Access Standards IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-05-2024 Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan Implementation of Primary Care Provider Assignment for the Age 26-49 Adult Expansion Transition APL 23-031
Provider Bulletin 02-05-2024 Informational Bulletin Regarding Emergency Declaration Winter Storms IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-09-2024 Prior Authorization Update for 2024 Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan Transition IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-12-2024 Community-Based Adult Services and Long-Term Care Facilities Critical Incidents Reporting IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-13-2024 February Medi-Cal Rx Updates IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-14-2024 Multi-factor Authentication for California Electronic Visit Verification Portal and Aggregator Users IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-14-2024 Electronic Visit Verification Multi-factor Authentication for Business Intelligence Tool Users IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-14-2024 Routine Medical Audit IE SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-16-2024 Community Supports Timely Filing Update IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-21-2024 Upcoming February Trainings IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-21-2024 February Medi-Cal Rx Updates IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-23-2024 Change Healthcare Cyber Incident IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-23-2024 Managing Muslim Patients with Diabetes During the Month of Ramadan IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-26-2024 Optum Change Healthcare Outage IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-27-2024 Intermediate Care Facilities Treatment Authorization Request IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-27-2024 Dementia Care Awareness March Training IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-27-2024 Optum Change Healthcare Outage IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-28-2024 Medi-Cal Enrollment of Non-Physician Medical Practitioners IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-29-2024 Optum Change Healthcare Outage IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-29-2024 Behavioral Health Services Platform Launch IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 02-29-2024 Medi-Cal Rx Updates IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-04-2024 Prior Authorization Process IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-05-2024 Quarter 1 Provider Satisfaction Survey IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-06-2024 Intermediate Care Facilities Treatment Authorization Request Update IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-06-2024 Provider Email Request IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-07-2024 Medi-Cal Rx Updates IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-12-2024 New El Cajon One Stop Help Center SD
Provider Bulletin 03-12-2024 Quarter 1 Provider Satisfaction Survey IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-12-2024 Student Behavioral Health Incentive Program APL 23-035 IE SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-13-2024 Optum Change Healthcare Outage IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-15-2024 Payer Spaces IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-15-2024 Availity Essentials New Features and Enhancements IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-15-2024 E-List Changes IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-18-2024 Optum Change Healthcare Outage IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-22-2024 Medi-Cal Rx Updates IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-22-2024 2024 Pay-For-Performance HEDIS Performance Bonus Program SAC
Provider Bulletin 03-25-2024 2024 Pay-For-Performance HEDIS Performance Bonus Program IE
Provider Bulletin 03-25-2024 2024 Pay For Performance HEDIS Performance Bonus Program SD
Provider Bulletin 03-25-2024 2024 Pay For Performance HEDIS Performance Bonus Program LA
Provider Bulletin 03-25-2024 Informational Bulletin Regarding Emergency Declaration Winter Storms SAC
Provider Bulletin 03-27-2024 2024 First Quarter Provider Newsletter IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-28-2024 New ICF/DD Provider Toolkit IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-29-2024 Claims Rejections IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-29-2024 Emergency Department Support Unit Post Stabilization IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 03-29-2024 Q2 2024 Prior Authorization Code Matrix IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-01-2024 Wound Debridements and Place of Service IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-03-2024 April Electronic Visit Verification Webinars IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-05-2024 Optum Change Healthcare Outage IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-05-2024 Non Emergency Medical Transportation Vendor American Logistics IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-09-2024 Medi-Cal Rx Updates IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-10-2024 Principal Diagnosis Codes IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-11-2024 Street Medicine Provider APL 24-001 IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-15-2024 Early and Periodic Screening Diagnostic and Treatment Provider Training IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-15-2024 Invitation to Joint Operations Webinar Transitions of Care IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-17-2024 Member Satisfaction Survey for Non-English Speaking and Limited English Proficient Members IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-17-2024 Providers Perinatal Training IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-18-2024 Pharmacogenomic Testing Overview IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-18-2024 Molinas Diversity Equity and Inclusion Training Videos IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-19-2024 Federally Qualified Health Center Survey IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-19-2024 Obstetrics and Facility Survey IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-19-2024 Doula-Provider Relationship Survey IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-26-2024 Provider Toolkit for Enhanced Care Management and Community Supports Services IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-26-2024 2024 Pregnancy Notification Form IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 04-30-2024 Doula-Provider Relationship Survey IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 05-03-2024 Timely Access Standards IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 05-06-2024 Communication Preference Survey IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 05-07-2024 Reminder Balance Billing is Not Allowed IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 05-08-2024 Medi-Cal MCP Responsibilities For Indian Health Care Providers And American Indian Members APL 24-002 IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 05-09-2024 Provider Roster Submission Instructions IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 05-13-2024 Informational Bulletin Regarding Emergency Declaration Impacts of the March 2024 Storms SB LA
Provider Bulletin 05-14-2024 Invitation to Joint Operations Webinar Transitions of Care Only Two Sessions Left IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 05-15-2024 IPA Service Location Affiliations IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 05-15-2024 Provider Service Location Affiliations IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 05-17-2024 Communication Preference Survey IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 05-24-2024 Medi-Cal Targeted Rate Increase IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 05-24-2024 Communication Preference Survey IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 05-31-2024 Molina Holiday Schedule IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 05-31-2024 Communication Preference Survey IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 06-03-2024 CalEVV Summer Training Opportunities IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 06-05-2024 Long-Term Care Coordination of Admissions and Discharges IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 06-07-2024 Communication Preference Survey IM IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 06-10-2024 Quarter 2 Provider Satisfaction Survey IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 06-14-2024 Communication Preference Survey IM IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 06-14-2024 Doula-Provider Relationship Survey IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 06-14-2024 Obstetrics and Facility Survey IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 06-17-2024 Quarter 2 Provider Satisfaction Survey IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 06-19-2024 Transition of Covered Vision Services IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 06-21-2024 Communication Preference Survey IM IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 06-24-2024 Quarter 2 Provider Satisfaction Survey IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 06-24-2024 Informational Bulletin Regarding Emergency Declaration – Los Angeles County Storms LA
Provider Bulletin 06-25-2024 Imaging Healthcare Specialists Network Update SD
Provider Bulletin 06-26-2024 CHDP Program Portal System Training IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 06-27-2024 FQHCs Alternative Payment Model IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 06-28-2024 Smoking and Vaping Cessation Services IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 06-28-2024 Abortion Services APL 24-003 IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 06-28-2024 2024 Second Quarter Provider Newsletter IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 06-28-2024 Communication Preference Survey IM IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 07-05-2024 Enhanced Care Management Long-Term Care Spotlight IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 07-09-2024 2024 Medi-Cal Provider Manual Updates IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 07-12-2024 Communication Preference Survey IM IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 07-12-2024 New One Stop Help Center in Chula Vista SD
Provider Bulletin 07-15-2024 Availity Managing Claims IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 07-15-2024 VSP Vision Care Reminder IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 07-15-2024 Technical Change APL 20-016 Blood Lead Screening Of Young Children IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 07-16-2024 Obstetrics and Facility Survey IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 07-16-2024 Federally Qualified Health Center Survey IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 07-17-2024 Member Verification Reminder LA
Provider Bulletin 07-17-2024 Emergency Department Services Type of Bill IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 07-26-2024 Medi-Cal Provider Manual Update Non-Physician Medical Practitioners Section IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 07-29-2024 Member Verification Reminder IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 07-30-2024 Communication Preference Survey IM IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 07-30-2024 COVID Testing IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 07-30-2024 COVID Testing IPA IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 07-31-2024 California Evaluation and Management Coding Assessment Program IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 08-01-2024 Reminder Billing for Drug Classes Carved out to Department of Health Care Services Fee For Service IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 08-07-2024 Provider Communications IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 08-09-2024 Quality Improvement and Health Equity Transformation Requirements APL 24-004 IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 08-09-2024 Communication Preference Survey IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 08-15-2024 Timely Access Standards & Provider Appointment Availability Survey IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 08-20-2024 Upcoming Biannual Provider Trainings IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 08-23-2024 2024 Year Round Medical Record Review Program IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 08-23-2024 2024 Risk Adjustment & Health and Human Services Data Collection IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 08-29-2024 Electronic Visit Verification September Office Hours IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 08-29-2024 Community Health Worker Covered Benefit IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 09-04-2024 Informational Bulletin Regarding Emergency Declaration Rancho Palos Verdes Ongoing Land Movement LA
Provider Bulletin 09-06-2024 Quarter 3 Provider Satisfaction Survey IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 09-09-2024 Informational Bulletin Regarding Emergency Declaration San Bernardino County Line Fire SB
Provider Bulletin 09-09-2024 Share of Cost Calculation Process Improvements IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 09-09-2024 Methods of Requesting an Appeal IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 09-12-2024 Informational Bulletin Regarding Emergency Declaration Bridge and Airport Fires IE LA OC
Provider Bulletin 09-12-2024 Pass-Through Payment Platform Change Notification IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 09-12-2024 Redlands Community Hospital Provider Notice IE
Provider Bulletin 09-17-2024 Communication Preference Survey Last Chance IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 09-18-2024 Provider Trainings IM IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 09-18-2024 CAP Payment IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 09-19-2024 2024 Third Quarter Provider Newsletter IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 09-25-2024 California Hospital Compare Substance Use Disorder Care Honor Roll Program IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 09-25-2024 Timely Access Standards IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 09-26-2024 Medications for Addiction Treatment Consultation Line LA
Provider Bulletin 09-27-2024 Q4 2024 Prior Authorization Look-up Tool Updates IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 09-30-2024 Quarter 3 Provider Satisfaction Survey Last Chance IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 10-04-2024 Provider Incentive Unengaged Initial Health Appointment Program IE LA SAC
Provider Bulletin 10-04-2024 Provider Incentive Unengaged Initial Health Assessment Incentive Program SD
Provider Bulletin 10-09-2024 Updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 Vaccines Are Available! IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 10-10-2024 Medi-Cal Automated Eligibility Verification System (AEVS) IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 10-17-2024 Immunization Requirements APL24-008 IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 10-17-2024 Doula Crosswalk Coding Information IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 10-18-2024 Community Health Worker Covered Benefit Billing Guide IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 10-25-2024 Medi-Cal Targeted Rate Increase Capitated Providers IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 10-25-2024 Medi-Cal Targeted Rate Increase Fee-For-Service Providers IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 10-29-2024 2024 Pay-for-Quality Program Minimum Denominator Update IM IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 10-29-2024 American Logistics Transportation IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 10-30-2024 2024 Risk Adjustment Data Collection IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 11-04-2024 Informational Bulletin Regarding Emergency Declaration Support Communities Recovering from Fires SD
Provider Bulletin 11-06-2024 Reminder: Access Provider Bulletins on Our Website IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 11-06-2024 REMINDER Medi-Cal Targeted Rate Increase Fee-For-Service Providers IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 11-06-2024 REMINDER Medi-Cal Targeted Rate Increase Capitated Providers IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 11-08-2024 Senate Bill 1120 Health Care Coverage: Utilization Review IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 11-13-2024 Timely Access Standards IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 11-13-2024 Changes to Reconsideration Process on Availity Essentials IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 11-15-2024 Availity Eligibility Issue IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 11-15-2024 2025 Provider Manual Annual Updates IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 11-18-2024 Skilled Nursing Facilities - Long Term Care Benefit Standardization and Transition of Members to Managed Care APL 24-009 IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 11-18-2024 Subacute Care Facilities - Long Term Care Benefit Standardization and Transition of Members to Managed Care APL 24-010 IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 11-18-2024 ICF/DD - Long Term Care Benefit Standardization and Transition of Members to Managed Care APL 24-011 IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 11-21-2024 Fourth Quarter Provider Newsletter IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 11-22-2024 Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plan Responsibilities for NSMHS and Provider Education Requirement APL 24-012 IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 12-02-2024 Q4 Provider Satisfaction Survey IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 12-11-2024 Prop 56 Physician Services IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 12-13-2024 FAQ on the Targeted Provider Rate Increases Requirements IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 12-13-2024 Timely Filing Waiver for Doula Claims IE LA SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 12-16-2024 Reminder: Access Provider Bulletins on our Website IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 12-17-2024 San Diego Community Health Worker Survey SD
Provider Bulletin 12-19-2024 Informational Bulletin Regarding Emergency Declaration - Strengthen Robust State Response to Bird Flu IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 12-20-2024 Prior Authorization Look-Up Tool Update IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 12-30-2024 Assembly Bill 1936 Maternal Mental Health Screenings IM IE LA OC SAC SD
Provider Bulletin 12-30-2024 ECM Referral Standards and Presumptive Authorization Guidance IE LA SAC SD