Multi-Purpose Senior Services Program (MSSP)

If you are a member in Riverside, San Bernardino or San Diego Counties you may be eligible to receive Multi-Purpose Senior Services Program (MSSP). Please contact Case Management at (888) 562-5442 ext. 127604 for assistance.
Multi-Purpose Senior Services Program (MSPP) helps you work with your doctors, specialists, and other providers. It also helps you get needed equipment and services. MSSP provides social and health care management for frail elders who are eligible for placement in a nursing facility but want to remain in the community. The goal is to arrange and monitor the use of community services, and to prevent or delay premature institutional placement of these frail clients. The cost of these services must be lower than the cost of a nursing facility.
What services are included in MSSP?
- Adult day care
- Housing assistance
- Chore and personal care assistance
- Protective supervision
- Care management
- Respite for caregivers
- Transportation
- Meal services
- Delivered meals
- Social services
- Communications services
- Emergency response system
- Minor home repairs
- Home safety modifications
- Home medical equipment
How do I get MSSP?
You may be eligible for care coordination help through the Multi-Purpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) if you are 65 years of age or older, live within an MSSP service area, stay within MSSP's cost limitations, appropriate for care management services, currently eligible for Medi-Cal and certified or certifiable for placement in a nursing facility. This certification is determined by MSSP site's staff and it's based upon Medi-Cal criteria for placement.
Molina will work with you, your doctor and your local MSSP site if you need this service.
For more information, you can call Member Services.