About Your Membership

Now, with Molina Dual Options MI Health Link you have:
- One ID card that shows you receive both Medicare and Medicaid benefits and services.
- Ongoing Medicare Parts A, B and D benefits.
- Full Medicaid benefits.
- Supplemental benefits such as transportation and dental.
- If you qualify, Long term and In-Home care services are available, such as:
- Home Health: Nursing services in your home;
sometimes called private duty nursing. - Personal Care Attendants: For custodial care assistance at home, including bathing, dressing, toileting and/or shopping (not skilled nursing)
- Adult Day Care: Facilities that provide a frail and/or chronically ill person with social, health and nutritional services. Transportation to and from facilities is included.
- Assisted Living: A residential facility for people that require some regular assistance but are not totally dependent.
- Nursing Facility Custodial Care: A nursing facility that provides help with dressing, bathing, getting in and out of bed, and assistance to the bathroom.
- Respite Care: The respite caregiver assists the member with all daily needs when the family or primary caregiver is absent.
- Home Delivered Meals: Prepared food brought to the member's home when the member cannot prepare his or her own meals but is able to feed him or herself.
- A Molina Dual Options MI Health Link representative will call you or send you a letter to determine what special needs you may have. An individual care plan will be created to coordinate with your doctors and other caregivers. A care coordinator will be assigned to help you.
- You should never receive a bill from a provider for a covered service.
- This is called ‘balance billing’.
- If you receive a bill, please contact Member Services. If you receive a bill, please contact Member Services for instructions on sending it to Molina Dual Options.
- Molina can help resolve the issue for you and contact your provider so you no longer receive bills.
If you have questions about enrollment or disenrollment in MI Health Link, please call Michigan ENROLLS toll-free at 1-800-975-7630. Persons with hearing and speech disabilities may call the TTY number at 1-888-263-5897. The office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 7 PM.
For more information, please contact Member Services.