About Your Membership

Now, with Molina Dual Options STAR+PLUS MMP you have:
- One ID card that shows you receive both Medicare and Medicaid benefits and services.
- Ongoing Medicare Parts A, B and D benefits.
- Full Medicaid benefits.
- Other benefits such as transportation.
- Long term and In-Home care services such as:
- Home Health: Nursing services help in your home;
sometimes called private duty nursing. - Personal Care Attendants: For help at home, including bathing, dressing, using the bathroom and/or shopping (not skilled nursing)
- Adult Day Care: Places that provide a frail and/or ill person with social, health and nutritional services. Transportation to and from these places is included.
- Assisted Living: A facility for people that require some regular help but not total assistance.
- Nursing Facility Custodial Care: A nursing facility that helps with dressing, bathing, getting in and out of bed, and help to the bathroom.
- Respite Care: The caregiver assists the member with all daily needs when the family or primary caregiver is absent.
- Home Delivered Meals: Food ready to eat and brought to the member's home when the member cannot cook his or her own meals but is able to feed him or herself.
- A team member will call you or send you a letter to find out what special needs you may have. An individual care plan (ICP) will be created to use with your doctors and other caregivers. A case manager may be assigned to help you.