About Your Membership

As a Molina Healthcare HealthChoice Illinois Member, there are a few things you need to do each year to keep your membership active. Think of this page as your friendly “to do” checklist.
Annual Open Enrollment Period
After one year of enrollment, you can change your health plan if you want to. You do not have to do anything if you want to stay with Molina Healthcare.
At least 90 days before your anniversary date of enrollment, you will get a letter from Illinois Client Enrollment Services (ICES). The letter will say you can pick another health plan if you want. If you want to change your health plan, follow the instructions in the letter you receive from the ICES. If you do not want to change, you do not need to do anything. Your membership with Molina Healthcare will continue. We hope you stay with us.
To learn more about your Health Plan choices, contact ICES at (877) 912-8880 or visit www.EnrollHFS.Illinois.gov.
Call us today… we can help
Please contact Molina Healthcare at (855) 687-7861 and we can tell you when your eligibility renewal date is. We can also tell you what information you need to turn in and help you with the renewal process.
You also may visit or call a community helper. Communities helpers can help you learn more on what you need to turn in and can also help you with the renewal process. Find a community helper near you by calling ICES at (877) 912-8880.