Opting In or Out of Molina Dual Options
Molina Dual Options is a part of Healthy Connections Prime, a program that helps to improve the way your South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid and Medicare benefits work together.
If you are eligible for Healthy Connections Prime, you will be enrolled in a Medicare-Medicaid Plan that will provide both your Healthy Connections Medicaid and Medicare benefits. You have the right to choose the health plan that is right for you.
How to Enroll
You will receive a letter from Healthy Connections Prime notifying you that you are eligible for Healthy Connections Prime program. You can call the toll-free South Carolina Healthy Connections Choices telephone number to make your Medicare-Medicaid Plan selection at (877) 552-4642 or for the hearing impaired TTY (877) 552-4670.
Please visit www.SCChoices.com for further details.
Representatives are available from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.
Do I Have to Participate in Healthy Connections Prime?
If you do not wish to receive your Medicare and Healthy Connections Medicaid benefits from a Healthy Connections Prime Plan, tell a representative when you call the South Carolina Healthy Connections Choices telephone number. You will continue to receive your Medicare and Healthy Connections Medicaid benefits the same way you do today.
Healthy Connections Prime is a program designed to help you, your family and your health care providers by coordinating your Healthy Connections Medicaid and Medicare benefits. It is an important decision to make and there is staff available to answer any questions you may have about whether or not to enroll.