
Healthy eyes are important to your overall well-being. When you get regular vision exams, your doctor can find and treat eye problems—sometimes before you even have symptoms.
As a South Carolina Molina Medicaid member, you have access to vision services through March Vision Care (MVC). Getting care is easy.
What’s covered?
Routine eye exams and glasses
Coverage includes:
- One routine vision exam every year
- For members 21 and over: Glasses every two years, if needed
- For members under 21: Glasses once per year, if needed
If you have diabetes, protect your health with an annual dilated eye exam for diabetic retinopathy.
How do I find a doctor?
Choose from two ways:
- Visit to use MVC’s provider directory
- Call an MVC representative toll-free at (844) 946-2724 or TTY/TDD (877) 627-2456
When scheduling a doctor appointment, let them know you are an MVC member. Give them the number on your member ID card. The provider will check with MVC to confirm which services are covered.
Have more questions?
For more information about vision benefits, click here to see our Member Handbook. Or call us at (855) 882-3901 or TTY/TDD at 711.