Contact Us

Molina Healthcare Member Services
Thank you for choosing Molina Healthcare of New York as your health care plan. We will do all that we can to help you and your family with your health care needs. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and you use a TTY/TDD system, you can call 711. We can help you.
Molina Healthcare of New York, Inc.
2900 Exterior Street
Suite 202
Bronx, New York 10463
Main Line Toll Free: (800) 223-7242
Member Eligibility Verification: (800) 223-7242
Member Services: (800) 223-7242
Provider Services: (877) 872-4716
Utilization Management: (800) 223-7242
Fraud, Waste and Abuse AlertLine: (866) 606-3889
Behavioral Health Services: (800) 223-7242
Dental Services (HealthPlex): (800) 468-9868
Pharmacy (Molina Healthcare): (800) 223-7242
Technical Support: (866) 449-6848
TTY: 711
Fax Numbers
Main Fax: (315) 234-9812
Member Services: (315) 234-9812
Provider Services: (844) 879-4509
Member Complaints: (315) 234-9812
Member Appeals: (315) 234-9812
Enrollment: (315) 234-5916