Behavioral Health

What’s covered
Molina covers the following mental health and substance use disorder treatment services:
- Medical Services
- Medication-Assisted Treatment for Addiction
- Office Administered Medications
- Psychological Testing
- Mental Health Day Treatment
- Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services to include Peer Recovery Support, Partial Hospitalization, and Residential Treatment
- Therapeutic Behavioral Service
- Psychosocial Rehabilitation
- Community Psychiatric Support Services
- Assertive Community Treatment
- Intensive Home Based Treatment
Your primary care provider (PCP) may treat some mental health conditions with medication, such as depression. Your PCP does not provide the following services:
- Psychiatry services
- Psychiatric inpatient hospital services
- Psychology services
- Specialty behavioral health services
- Rehabilitative services
- Marriage counseling services
- Family and child counseling services
- Mental health counseling services
- Addiction counseling services
Use the Behavioral Health Treatment Road Map to help you understand how to get the behavioral health (BH) treatment you or a loved one needs. The Road Map can help you get started on the path to treatment for addiction, mental illness and other BH conditions. You’ll also find answers to common questions about getting help.
OhioRISE (Resilience through Integrated Systems and Excellence) is a specialized managed care program for youth with complex behavioral health and multisystem needs. Molina Medicaid members can enroll in OhioRISE if they:
- Are under the age of 21
- Meet a functional needs threshold for behavioral health care, as identified by the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) tool
To enroll your child in OhioRISE, call your child’s Care Manager or Member Services at (800) 642-4168 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday to Friday. Learn more about OhioRISE.
Member Handbook
Your Molina Member Handbook tells you what you need to know about your Molina Healthcare of Ohio Health Plan. Read more.
How do members get care?
If you need mental health or substance use disorder treatment services, you can see a provider that is part of our behavioral health network. You do not need a referral to see a doctor. You can pick or change your behavioral health provider at any time. Some behavioral health providers can give you primary medical care.
You may self-refer directly to the Community Mental Health Centers and Alcohol/Drug Treatment Centers, located in or adjacent to each county, which provide behavioral health services.
Visit our Provider Directory for the names and telephone numbers of the providers near you. You can also call Member Services at (800) 642-4168 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday to Friday. For hearing impaired TTY/Ohio Relay, call (800) 750-0750 or 7-1-1. We can help you find the right provider to meet your needs.